Saturday we had a great time with our good friend Carolyn a/k/a Auntie Carolyn. We went apple picking. We went to a farm with a huge orchard and a lot of activities for children. They had a petting zoo, which Michelle loved. She got to pet goats and sheep. They had a hay pyramid and Michelle couldn't get enough of it. She ran over to it and left me behind. We had to go up and down the pyramid several times. We also went through the burlap maze with Michelle leading the way. She had very definite ideas about which way she wanted to go and only made one wrong turn. She even got a pretty ladybug painted on her face. We all had a really good time. Michelle really loves her Auntie Carolyn. Whenever Carolyn took a few steps away, Michelle called out for her. She called her "Ah-nie" and one time we really thought she said Carolyn. It was a perfect fall outing (except the weather could have been a little cooler and crisper).
We had a lot of fun during the summer but I've been really looking forward to fall. It's my favorite season, especially living in New England. There's just so much to do. I love apple picking and I'm looking forward to taking Michelle to pick out her first pumpkin.

I can pick apples all by myself.

Apples right off the tree taste yummy!

Petting the animals was a lot of fun.

She was so excited about the hay pyramid, she left Mama behind.

The apple of Mama's eye

She wasn't too sure about the woman painting her face but she liked the ladybug afterward.

She was worn out by the time we got to the pumpkins.