Roman and I ask ourselves each day how we got so lucky and so blessed to be Michelle's parents. She's truly the sweetest little girl in the world. Don't get me wrong. She can be a big stinker when she wants to be but most of the time she's sweet, loving, affectionate and generous. She loves to give us hugs and kisses every day and she always shares her food with us. She was eating ice cream one day and wanted to share with Dada so she got a spoonful and walked across the room to feed him. She even walked with her hand under the spoon to keep from spilling it.
I love picking her up from daycare. She runs over to me with the biggest smile and throws her arms around me, pats me and says "Mama." It's the sweetest thing. Then she has to say goodbye to her classmates. She says "buh bye" and blows kisses to everyone in the room. Then she goes over to her two closest friends and gives them hugs. It's the cutest thing. She takes my hand and leads me out the door. When I put her in the carseat, before I get her buckled in, she leans against me and gives me another big hug and looks up at me with adoring eyes. I ask her if she wants to go pick up Dada and she nods excitedly and picks her up her toy cellphone and starts calling Dada.
She's also very smart. We only have to say a word to her once and she remembers it. We have some flash cards and we lay out 4 at a time telling her what each picture is. Then we say the name of each one and ask her to point them out and she gets them right over 90% of the time.
She can say some new words. She can say:
Stairs (she's still working on this one but she's almost got it)
Yum yum yum
Dat - that
Dis - this
Below is some random cuteness for your enjoyment.