A couple of weeks ago Michelle's gymnastics class had their end-of-year performance. It was without a doubt the cutest thing I've ever seen in my life. We were really impressed with the gym. It's a very non-competitive environment and all the kids enjoy showing off for their families. The show was really well-done. The parents got to go inside the gym and they had the kids waiting outside. Then they introduced each child individually and had them enter and do a somersault before taking a seat. They went to each station and had each child perform a short routine. At the end they gave each child a certificate and a gold medal. It was so precious. We're taking the summer off but are looking forward to going back in the fall.
I have to take a moment to brag. Michelle's teachers recommended moving her into a more advanced class next session based on skill rather than age. The class is only offered on a weekday afternoon so we can't do it but I was so proud I wanted to burst. In a way I'm actually kind of glad we can't do the advanced class. As flattering as it is that they think she's talented enough for that class, I'd hate it if someone told us one day that Michelle could be the next Nastia Liukin. The life of an elite gymnast is very hard and I really wouldn't want that for her. Right now she's just having fun with gymnastics and learning new skills and doing flips around the house. She's a very adorable little gold medalist.

As always, our princess loves to be silly.

And now for the medal ceremony

Isn't that the best monkey jump you've ever seen?

Now competing on the floor exercise is Michelle

Ta da

Demonstrating great balance

Michelle's beam routine

Michelle's bar routine

Moving to the next rotation

Completing her first tumbling pass

Presenting Michelle
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