Friday, December 5, 2008

A year ago at this time...

We were just over 24 hours from seeing our daughter's face for the first time. Wow! Has it really been a year? I was such a nervous wreck. It was a Wednesday and rumors had been really quiet all week. I was checking Rumor Queen every 2 minutes but there just wasn't much out there. I was trying to prepare myself for the possibility that we might not hear anything until the following week when suddenly the first report came in from the West Coast. Somebody had just gotten "the call." I was so excited. At that time referrals typically arrived on the West Coast first and then the next day the East Coast got theirs. I knew then that we should be getting our referral the next day. I started shaking and I had to fight back the tears (since I was at work). I called Roman right away to tell him we were a day away from getting the most important call of our lives. He was cautiously optimistic after all the disappointments. It was so hard to focus on work or anything else. All I wanted to do was sit at the computer and check RQ. I couldn't wait for that day to be over. The next day we were going to be parents!

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