She seemed to really enjoy the day. She was even able to say "Happy Thanksgiving." Roman and I were both shocked. We hadn't even tried teaching it to her. She was just talking to my mom on the phone and my mom wished Michelle a happy Thanksgiving and Michelle said it right back to her. I tried to get her to watch the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade with me this morning but she wasn't interested. She watched about 15 seconds and then she had to go play. She's a very busy girl.
We hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving!

In other news, I enrolled Michelle in a class at My Gym. She absolutely loves it. They have a slide, lots of things to climb on, a ball pit and swings. I discovered the gym at the Halloween party we went to. They had a booth there and Michelle had a blast checking out some of their equipment. The kids get to spend part of the class running around playing on the equipment and the other part of the class is circle time where the kids and parents sit around in a circle and do different activities. Circle time was hysterical. It's impossible to get a group of 2 year olds to sit around in a circle for more than an 1/8th of a second. They pretty much all made a break for it, with Michelle leading the way. I didn't get any pictures from the class but I have a couple of pictures of Michelle playing at the gym's booth at the Halloween party.

your blog is very good......
Happy Thanksgiving!
Looks like Michelle had a great day!
And I know you did too!
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