Tonight I had one of those wonderful, precious, this is why I became a parent moments. I was sitting on the living room floor folding laundry and Michelle was "helping" so Dada asked her if she wanted to go to the kitchen. She said "buh bye Mama" and gave me a high-five as she left the room. A few seconds later she came running back and gave me a kiss. Then she gave me a sweet smile and went back to Dada. I'll cherish that moment for the rest of my life. If that weren't precious enough, about an hour later I was sitting on the sofa folding another load of laundry and Dada went to take her back to the kitchen for a snack. She gave me a kiss and started to walk off and then she turned back to give me a hug. I'm tearing up again just thinking about it. Michelle is so precious. I'm so grateful to be her mama.
I finally got some pictures loaded. Enjoy!

Michelle's first teeny tiny ponytail on top of her head. It's small but it's there.

Enjoying tea time.

We went apple picking again and ran into another family from our travel group.

Michelle's first hayride

Picking out her first pumpkin
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