Ok, so I know pictures are what you really want but we're having issues with getting pictures loaded so I thought I'd share some cuteness in the meantime.
Michelle's personality is coming through more and more all the time and she's developing strong preferences. She lets us know in no uncertain terms exactly what she wants and what she doesn't want.
Michelle adores Elmo. Someone bought her an Elmo DVD for her birthday and now she can't get enough of him. We had to buy a portable DVD player for the car so she can watch her Elmo DVDs during our daily commute. That DVD player has been the best purchase we've ever made. It has saved our sanity so many times.
Michelle also loves Teletubbies. We found a few episodes on PBS Sprout and Michelle fell in love with them instantly. We were able to find one Teletubbies DVD for her and she alternates between that and Elmo. When she wants to watch it,she rubs her tummy and says "Babies."
Michelle has her first boyfriend. He's a little boy in her class at daycare and the two of them are inseparable at school. She actually dismissed me without a look back one day when she saw her boyfriend. The kids were out on the playground and she saw Garrett and wanted me to put her down right away (normally there's a little clinging) and gave me a quick wave and a "buh bye" without even turning around to look at me. It was so funny. They're so cute together. I think Dada is a little jealous.
Michelle's two favorite songs are "The Wheels on the Bus" and the ABC song. If we start to sing or play anything else, she says "no no" and tells us she wants one of these two songs. She has the hand motions down perfectly for "Wheels on the Bus" and she's trying really hard to get her ABCs down. She's so smart, she'll probably have the alphabet memorized by next week.
Michelle has become a little chatterbox. She loves to talk all the time now and we love hearing her sweet little voice. She seems to pick up a new word just about every day. She's also putting words together now. That makes us so happy to hear. She says "buh bye" to everyone and everything. It's really cute. She'll say it when we get out of the car or when she gets out of the bathtub. I love hearing her saying "buh bye wawa" at the end of her bath. She also points out what belongs to different people, ex. "Mama coat. Dada coat. Me (pointing to her coat)." Here are some of her new words and phrases:
Mine (this is her favorite word)
No no (her favorite phrase)
Baby eating apple (she actually said this the other day when she was eating an apple)
Mommy (she's starting to say this more than Mama)
Daddy (she's starting to say this more than Dada but Roman definitely prefers Dada)
I added the Follow this Blog feature so if you're a Michelle fan, please follow her blog. It's fun to see who's reading it.
I'll do my best to get some pictures loaded soon.